Frankie Walker presents


A Reclamation Job in 15 Rounds

★★★★ The Scotsman

A story of reclamation and recovery from intimate partner abuse ​based on lived experience.

It dawns on me, the only way out of this house is to dismantle the whole ​block, brick by brick, learning to salvage bolts and bits and domestic things.”

Physical theatre, spoken word and dance, performed in a boxing ring, ​interrogating the traumatic effects of controlling and coercive behaviour as ​we move through one woman’s healing journey. What is the legacy of abuse ​and who do we become as a result of it?

Although this piece of work tackles coercive control and domestic abuse, there are no depictions of violence ​in the show.

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Thanks to / Diolch i Wales Arts International and / a Sam Irving

Frankie Walker yn cyflwyno


A Reclamation Job in 15 Rounds

★★★★ The Scotsman

Stori am adennill ac adferiad ar ôl cam-drin gan bartner agos, yn ​seiliedig ar brofiad byw.

It dawns on me, the only way out of this house is to dismantle the whole ​block, brick by brick, learning to salvage bolts and bits and domestic ​things.”

Theatr gorfforol, y gair llafar a dawns, yn cael ei pherfformio mewn cylch ​bocsio, gan gwestiynu effeithiau trawmatig ymddygiad rheoli a gorfodi ​wrth i ni symud trwy daith iachâd un fenyw. Beth yw etifeddiaeth cam-​drin a phwy ydyn ni o ganlyniad iddo?

Er bod y darn hwn o waith yn mynd i'r afael â rheolaeth orfodol a cham-drin domestig ni fyddwch yn ​gweld unrhyw ddarluniau o drais.

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Tour / Taith

16-18, 23-24 August / Awst

Port O'Leith Boxing Club


4 September / Medi | BSL by / gan Julie Doyle​

The Met


14 September / Medi

Porthcawl & Pyle Pumas Boxing ​Gym

27 September / Medi

KB Boxing Gym


3 October / Hydref | BSL by / gan Julie Doyle

The Welfare


10-11 October / Hydref | BSL by / gan Julie Doyle

Canolfan y Celfyddydau ​Aberystwyth Arts Centre

19 October / Hydref

Merlin’s Bridge Boxing Gym


Angry Snatch will be performed in a mix of venues and boxing gyms across its tour. When we’re performing at local gyms, we’re working with the local theatre venue to sell our tickets.

Byddwn yn perfformio mewn cymysgedd o leoliadau a champfeydd bocsio ar draws ein taith. Pan fyddwn yn perfformio mewn campfeydd lleol rydym yn gweithio gyda'r theatr leol i werthu ​ein tocynnau.

Team / Tîm

Created and performed by / Wedi’i greu a’i berfformio gan Frankie Walker

in collaboration with / mewn cydweithrediad â Meg Fenwick & Cai Tomos

Director - Meg Fenwick

Stage Manager - Jess Herman

Producer - Jennifer Lunn

Producer - Lauren Ellis-Stretch

Lighting Design and Production Manager - Garrin Clark

Wellbeing Consultant - Bronwen Wilson Rashad

Audience Lead - Tabitha Milne

Audience team Support - Nicole Mawby

Social Media - Tineke Van Der Merwe

Graphic Design - Kelly King

Sound Engineer - Mike West

Boxing Coach - Ty Hussein

Photography and Filming - Heledd Wyn and Sam Irving

With special thanks to Lily Priggs and Port O'Leith Boxing Club, NGB Boxing, Chris Jackson, Lucy Gough, Selina Papoutseli, Gwylim Morus-Baird, Lucy Morus-Baird, Alice Thomas, Tess Sutton, ​Lucy Iredale and Joe at Newtown ABC.

Someone so able to express her ​experiences would surely help people ​find their voice too.

Stunning. Utterly engaging. ​Powerful.

It's a thought-provoking and stylish ​performance. If you're wavering, don't. ​Go and see it.

A gigantic performance of ​courage and integrity.

Why you should see the show

"If you are interested in unusual spaces for theatre, visceral storytelling and nonlinear journeying, embodied social justice, ​sharp poetry and voices you don't usually hear then... then this show is for you."

- Frankie Walker, Writer / Performer

"Angry Snatch is a must-see, not only for its intense and innovative blend of physical theatre, dance, and boxing but ​also because it addresses the critical issue of domestic abuse with such honest beauty. Angry Snatch offers a deeply ​personal and raw portrayal of a survivor's fight to reclaim their identity after coercive control. The performance is more ​than just a story - it's a powerful call to action, urging us to confront the often-silenced realities of abuse and ​acknowledge the strength it takes to overcome them. For those who value theatre as a force for social change, this ​show is unmissable."

- Meg Fenwick, Director

"All you need to do is get a ticket and come. The show will do the rest. You might find you not only leave with a richer ​understanding of this topic, but also deeply moved."

- Jess Herman, Stage Manager

"It speaks to the experience of domestic violence in a truthful, beautiful, rageful, all encompassing way that doesn't shy ​away from the complexity of the experience. After every performance I feel empowered and inspired to take action to ​stand in solidarity and tackle domestic violence in our society."

- Lauren Ellis-Stretch, Producer

"This show tackles something incredibly important and sometimes difficult to consider, but in such a beautiful way. It ​is poetic and visually captivating and gets right to the heart of an experience that all too many women are experiencing ​every day. Coercive control and other forms of intimate partner abuse are all too common and we hope this show will ​not just allow women to feel seen and heard but will also make everyone who sees it better able to spot those red flags ​and have a more compassionate understanding of the complexity of these situations."

- Jen Lunn, Producer

"From a wellbeing point of view, this performance is so important in that it physically shows and embodies the fact ​that abuse, and recovery from it, is a somatic (physical) process.

What we see in front of us is a representation of the experience and Frankie's response to that through art.

For me, it's an incredibly powerful moment for her, and for her audiences, to heal and learn. We must move our bodies ​and when we do, we start mending our relationship with ourselves and the world."

- Bronwen Wilson Rashad, Wellbeing Consultant

Discover more

“This production aims to raise ​awareness and understanding for ​those on the outside whilst allowing ​those with lived experience to feel ​seen, heard and a little less alone.”


The Scotsman

“The duality of [...] the intimacy of ​individual trauma [and] the fury ​against the structures that permit it ​– is gutting and enraging in equal ​measure.”

“It was really really profoundly ​beautiful and I’m honoured to have ​shared their experience.”

Support resources / Adnoddau cymorth

  • Scottish Domestic Abuse 24hr Helpline - 0800 027 1234

  • Edinburgh Rape Crisis - text 07966 067 301 to book an appointment or make a referral / call 0131 557 6737 to leave your details / email

  • Own My Life Course - helps women who have experienced abuse to reclaim their lives. Delivered by trained facilitators across the UK. 07818 328391 /

  • Fear Free Scotland - supports people experiencing domestic abuse in Scotland who identify as a man or from the LGBT+ community. 0131 624 7270 (if you leave a message, state when it's safe to call back, otherwise they won't be able to return your call) /

  • Four Square Homeless Charity (Edinburgh) - supports people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. 0131 2851227 /

  • Shakti Women's Aid - for black minority ethnic (BME) women, children and young people who are experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse. 0131 475 2399 /

  • Young Saheliya - a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for black, minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+) in the Edinburgh and Glasgow area. 0131 556 9302 /

  • Score Scotland - advocates for social justice and equal opportunity, with a strong focus on accessibility and inclusivity. They run various groups in different communities. 0131 442 2341 /

Frankie Walker presents / yn cyflwyno

Angry Snatch

Connect / Cysylltu

Jen Lunn, Producer / Cynhyrchydd

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Supported by Arts Council of Wales/Wales Arts International through the Wales in Edinburgh Fund and by Aberystwyth Arts Centre.

Cefnogir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru/Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru drwy Gronfa Cymru yng Nghaeredin a chan Ganolfan y Celfyddydau Aberystwyth.